Why Buy a New Bed

According to The Sleep Charity, the foundation of a great night`s sleep is a comfortable, supportive bed regularly replaced, ideally every seven years.

Remember, your bed and mattress are designed to work in harmony with one another and a change of base will greatly enhance the performance of your new mattress. For this reason, it is recommended that you replace both items at the same time.Determining when to replace your bed and mattress can be difficult. Follow these simple steps to determine whether you need to invest in a new bed and mattress.

Check your sleep

Do you frequently wake with stiffness, numbness, aches or pains?

Do you still feel tired when waking in the morning?

Do you sleep better in a bed other than your own?

Do you have enough space to sleep comfortably?

Check your mattress

Is your mattress seven years old or more?

Is your mattress sagging, lumpy or dented?

Is there visible signs of wear and tear?

Considering you spend a third of your life in bed, it is essential that you invest in a bed that will provide the quality sleep you need.

Posted by David Buchanan
22nd January 2021
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